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Server Information

0.485 / 3
Server showing offline!
2014-03-23 11:54:34

Hello, my name is Rowan, otherwise known as Pignation_Owner.

I run a 24/7 PVP, no raid, no grief minecraft server , which is lag free and has minimal downtime. My staff are hand picked in rigorous interviews, so are trustworthy, reliable and helpful.

Our builders are excellent, and our spawns are massive, and built with the help of the server community.

We run the plugin logblock, which all of our users have access to check griefs, which we follow up in a very serious manner.

We hope that you enjoy our server very much, thank you!
Embed This Servers Banlist ( Limit 5 pages for non-premium servers )

Bans from

Ban ID Player Name Banned By Ban Reason Date Issued Reputation
Global 5301036 shadowz8bit arcanelegend grefingwith co proof 2014-07-14 11:06:41 10 / 10
Global 5225376 sammypops arcanelegend grifing with lb proof 2014-05-04 19:37:35 10 / 10
Global 5225214 scarlion arcanelegend banned items and using abuse and racist 2014-05-04 17:46:51 10 / 10
Global 5221899 fingamepig arcanelegend greafing lbproof and plotme proof 2014-04-30 15:18:15 10 / 10
Global 5188004 deadlyronne arcanelegend greafing [lb proof and plotme proof] apeal at 2014-04-24 14:49:58 10 / 10
Ban ID Player Name Banned By Ban Reason Date Issued Reputation
Showing 1 to 25 of 5 entries

Statistics ( Past 2 weeks )