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2.8950000000000022 / 3
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2014-10-02 10:17:23

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Embed This Servers Banlist ( Limit 5 pages for non-premium servers )

Bans from

Ban ID Player Name Banned By Ban Reason Date Issued Reputation
Global 5626767 6gatu6kaniufoga microstoria griefing 2023-02-21 14:24:50 3.6 / 10
Global 5625026 masafumi0719 microstoria griefing 2021-12-08 09:28:03 7.11 / 10
Global 5624882 toma12345678910 microstoria griefing 2021-08-04 14:47:48 7.11 / 10
Global 5624881 kaga_imperial microstoria griefing 2021-08-04 14:47:15 7.11 / 10
Global 5624880 ssgss_goku_son microstoria griefing 2021-08-04 14:45:39 7.11 / 10
Global 5624834 ndt_xbl microstoria griefing 2021-07-17 06:49:08 0 / 10
Global 5624828 ndtxbl microstoria griefing 2021-07-11 13:21:17 0 / 10
Global 5624827 adanfime microstoria griefing 2021-07-11 13:20:32 4.13 / 10
Global 5624747 loreuya microstoria griefing 2021-06-04 17:33:45 6.39 / 10
Local 5624726 kota03_07_tank microstoria griefing 2021-05-28 15:41:03 10 / 10
Local 5624725 xxxkokoxxx microstoria griefing 2021-05-28 15:38:41 10 / 10
Global 5624724 daiyamonndo1103 microstoria griefing 2021-05-28 15:34:12 3.41 / 10
Global 5624705 durbturk microstoria griefing 2021-05-25 08:41:22 7.11 / 10
Global 5624704 legomasterhiroto microstoria griefing 2021-05-25 08:40:10 3.84 / 10
Global 5624703 davix20br microstoria griefing 2021-05-25 08:38:00 3.41 / 10
Global 5624702 tudor125 microstoria griefing 2021-05-25 08:36:31 7.11 / 10
Global 5624628 tikin1225 microstoria griefing 2021-04-19 11:05:13 3.41 / 10
Local 5624627 chickenjoe56 microstoria griefing 2021-04-19 11:01:50 10 / 10
Local 5624626 puuyan725_puyan microstoria griefing 2021-04-17 15:13:22 10 / 10
Global 5624625 theticspoon5742 microstoria griefing 2021-04-17 15:11:41 5.13 / 10
Global 5624624 sigure0919 microstoria griefing 2021-04-17 14:53:16 7.11 / 10
Global 5624623 dxvvy microstoria griefing 2021-04-17 14:49:19 2.63 / 10
Local 5624622 haruharu1227 microstoria griefing 2021-04-17 14:46:41 10 / 10
Global 5624621 stevejr2018 microstoria griefing 2021-04-17 14:42:54 0 / 10
Global 5624620 botinoyuuka microstoria griefing 2021-04-17 14:40:17 7.11 / 10
Ban ID Player Name Banned By Ban Reason Date Issued Reputation
Showing 1 to 25 of 1541 entries

Statistics ( Past 2 weeks )