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Bans from

Ban ID Player Name Banned By Ban Reason Date Issued Reputation
Global 5602759 soya2529 hazime77 hacked client (fly) griefing 2018-01-27 13:43:37 10 / 10
Global 5602507 aki_12698 hazime77 griefing 2018-01-22 13:15:18 5.25 / 10
Global 5601579 xtyan_kurox hazime77 griefing 2018-01-05 15:19:30 10 / 10
Global 5600911 zeruga1118 hazime77 x ray 2017-12-25 12:48:52 10 / 10
Global 5600851 ziyannri0524 hazime77 hacked client (fly) stealing 2017-12-24 13:37:28 10 / 10
Global 5599845 neetkb hazime77 griefing/stealing 2017-12-04 14:24:13 10 / 10
Global 5599727 rabbit7577 hazime77 griefing,stealing 2017-12-02 14:13:17 10 / 10
Ban ID Player Name Banned By Ban Reason Date Issued Reputation
Showing 1 to 25 of 7 entries