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-9.315465065995454e-16 / 3
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2017-12-24 00:43:56

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Embed This Servers Banlist ( Limit 5 pages for non-premium servers )

Bans from

Ban ID Player Name Banned By Ban Reason Date Issued Reputation
Local 5604658 feral_kaos yukit0308 grifing 2018-03-02 16:34:10 10 / 10
Local 5604657 i_love_blondies yukit0308 you have been banned! 2018-03-02 16:32:56 10 / 10
Global 5604541 youareinferior siroq griefing/破壊行為 2018-02-27 07:54:24 10 / 10
Global 5604473 shuu_9025 siroq griefing/破壊行為 2018-02-25 11:40:02 10 / 10
Local 5604276 management_123 yukit0308 grifing 2018-02-21 09:02:52 10 / 10
Global 5604134 thew00 siroq griefing/破壊行為 2018-02-19 10:13:50 10 / 10
Global 5604033 kaizay siroq griefing/破壊行為 2018-02-18 02:34:04 10 / 10
Global 5603974 robotthefuture siroq griefing/破壊行為 2018-02-17 07:48:34 10 / 10
Global 5603973 jinxedpixels siroq griefing/破壊行為 2018-02-17 07:44:26 10 / 10
Local 5603653 stronggoatfight siroq griefing/破壊行為 2018-02-12 06:56:26 10 / 10
Local 5603651 nagapikun siroq griefing/破壊行為 2018-02-12 06:46:24 10 / 10
Global 5603648 _ah1r siroq griefing/破壊行為 2018-02-12 06:28:51 10 / 10
Global 5603646 comingsoon005 siroq griefing/破壊行為 2018-02-12 06:23:07 10 / 10
Global 5603645 funuke3284 siroq stealing/窃盗,griefing/破壊行為 2018-02-12 06:19:53 10 / 10
Local 5603644 clover__777 siroq griefing/破壊行為 2018-02-12 06:17:53 10 / 10
Global 5603643 milk_tuki_cow siroq griefing/破壊行為 2018-02-12 06:16:32 10 / 10
Global 5603640 guyodin23150_2nd siroq griefing/破壊行為 2018-02-12 05:44:14 10 / 10
Global 5600999 kokeishi001 siroq griefing/破壊行為 2017-12-27 09:05:32 10 / 10
Global 5600934 _aqua_san_ siroq stealing/窃盗 2017-12-26 07:34:16 10 / 10
Local 5600883 taiga0216 siroq spam 2017-12-25 05:53:14 7.66 / 10
Global 5600875 snakevenom360 siroq griefing/破壊行為,hacking(flight,speed)/不正行為(飛行,スピード) 2017-12-25 02:30:44 10 / 10
Global 5600869 fransonf siroq hacking(step,flight,multiaura)/不正行為(ステップ、飛行、同時攻撃) 2017-12-25 01:04:13 10 / 10
Global 5600850 zero_unc siroq stealing/窃盗 2017-12-24 12:11:49 10 / 10
Local 5600843 ryota0525 siroq stealing/窃盗,griefing/破壊行為 2017-12-24 10:57:28 10 / 10
Local 5600818 tori_0207 siroq spam 2017-12-24 03:19:21 10 / 10
Ban ID Player Name Banned By Ban Reason Date Issued Reputation
Showing 1 to 25 of 25 entries

Statistics ( Past 2 weeks )